Understanding your porosity.
So, what is porosity?
Hair porosity refers to your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. It's determined by the condition of the hair’s cuticle, the outer layer of the hair shaft, which can either allow or prevent moisture and products from entering the hair. This goes for all hair textures. Ig you find yourself going through product after product and having a hard time finding the right one, save yourself thousands by finding out what your porosity is. It will make your life so much easier and save you so much time!
So, what are the different porosities?
Low Porosity:
Hair cuticles are tightly bound, making it difficult for moisture to penetrate. Water and products tend to sit on the hair rather than being absorbed.
Care Tips: Use light, water-based products and incorporate heat (like steaming) to help open the cuticles and allow moisture to enter.
Medium Porosity:
Hair cuticles are slightly open, allowing for a good balance of moisture retention and absorption. Hair can handle a variety of products without much trouble.
Care Tips: Maintain regular conditioning and use leave-in treatments to keep hair healthy.
High Porosity:
Hair cuticles are widely spaced or damaged, which allows moisture to enter easily but also to escape quickly. Hair might feel dry or frizzy and may require more frequent moisturizing.
Care Tips: Use heavier creams and oils to help seal in moisture. Avoid over-styling or chemical treatments that can further damage the hair.
Now, how do I tell what porosity I am?
Let's do a quick test to tell what porosity you are.
It will only cost you a couple ounces of water and a couple of minutes.
Super budget friendly.
Float Test: Take a strand of clean hair and place it in a glass of water. Let it sit for a minute or so and:
If it floats, you have low porosity hair.
If it sinks slowly, you have normal porosity hair.
If it sinks quickly, you have high porosity hair.
The reason your hair is not growing might be because you do not understand how your hair takes and holds moisture (Hint, Hint).....Your porosity. Dry hair breaks and leaves split ends leading and properly moisturized hair thrives and grows.